Friday, 23 October 2015

What would I do if I won the Lottery?

Hello again everyone!

Today I would like to talk about what I would do if I won the lottery. When I say lottery, lets guess that it would be around 10 million dollars. Nothing too huge, but significant.

I think that if I had this financial stability, I would probably live a very simple life. Maybe I could but a boat. Nothing huge, but big enough to live on comfortably. I would hire a small crew who could sail and cook and clean (so I didn't have to!), then I would slowly travel around the world. I would like, with time, to visit as many different countries as I could. I could experience each different culture until I wanted a change. Then I could just go back to the boat and sail on to the next place.

Of course, I may find a place where I could live forever, but that's all part of the excitement. You never know what could be found in the next place.

Then again, I may never want to settle down. I don't think that would be a bad thing. I could happily spend my life sailing the oceans and going from country to country on different adventures, every day something interesting and new. Finding hidden islands and meeting people of different places that would be impossible to reach by public travel.

It could be a truly fascinating life. Of course, first I need to play the lottery, but it never hurts to dream.


  1. It's difficult to win it if you don't play it Andy, but I wish you luck anyway!

  2. Andy, you need play lottery!!! but remember your students if you win!

  3. it´s a beautiful idea and a good way to learn!!

  4. I really liked the idea of buying a boat! very interesting and fun!

  5. I really liked the idea of buying a boat! very interesting and fun!

  6. I love the sea!
    Is a good way to use the money of lottery.

  7. Is a very good idea live on a boat, that would be wonderful, discovering the sea and with it new places
